Keep Florida Beautiful and the KAB Florida affiliates have a critical role in building an environmentally literate society: a society that not only demonstrates environmental stewardship, but understands why it is important.
There are different types of environmental education, various locations where it can be conducted and a range of audiences that can be addressed. Service orientated cleanups and local stewardship projects including gardens and beautification projects engage youth and adults through action. These programs provide organized opportunities for civic engagement, help students secure volunteer hours for Bright Futures Scholarships, and promote physical activity outdoors.
Keep Florida Beautiful also encourages participation in a variety of school programs including recycling competition and learning basic fundamentals. Keep America Beautiful’s “Waste in Place” K-6 curriculum is one tool for teaching those fundamentals such as waste reduction, waste management and stewardship.
Purple Flowers against a blue sky with clouds | Environmental Education with Keep Florida Beautiful Litter Prevention, Recycling, and Education

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You can make a real difference through your daily actions and choices. With the support of citizens and companies, we have made significant progress in community improvement. Your contribution helps keep Florida beautiful now and for generations to come.


The websites listed below focus on resources available to educators to enrich their coursework with a variety of engaging activities, hands-on projects, and friendly competitions for students of all ages.
Webinar Preview Image | Keep Florida Beautiful: Litter Prevention, Recycling, and Education


You can make a real difference through your daily actions and choices. With the support of citizens and companies, we have made significant progress in community improvement. Your contribution helps keep Florida beautiful now and for generations to come. Give some green to support Florida’s green movement.
“Opportunities & Resources For Environmental Education in Florida,” Keep Florida Beautiful. Presented September 3, 2015. (PDF, 4.8 MB)
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