The average person in America generates over 4 pounds of trash every day which equals approximately 1.5 tons of solid waste per year. This creates stress on both our environment and our economy and triggers a need to decrease the amount of waste we generate in the first place. While industrial and manufacturing facilities can make an impressive impact on waste reduction, there are also many simple things that we, as individuals, can do.
We can help reduce the amount of waste we produce by making smart decisions about what we buy and how we get the most out of our purchases. We can also strive to reuse items and give them a second life rather than simply throwing things away.
Then when it’s finally time to throw something away, to recycle is the better option. Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Recycling can benefit your community and the environment.
Recycle items rather than sending them to the landfill.
Keep a recycle bin or bag in your home and work place to place plastic, paper and cans. If you don’t have curbside recycling where you live, find your nearest drop-off center by using Earth911’s convenient recycling locator on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s website.

Repurpose your waste.
Find a way to reuse items rather than throwing them away. Try using storage containers that you can wash and reuse, rather than using plastic bags and throwing them in the trash.
Carry reusable bags to the grocery store or other stores.
Use these bags in place of plastic or paper bags that will be thrown away. Reuse the bags each time you shop.

Recycle unwanted electronics.
Recover and reuse electronic items or their materials like copper, steel, glass that the product contains.
Find where to recycle your television, computer or other electronics.
Buy only what you need.
You can help to reduce waste by purchasing in bulk and/or economy sizes when you shop. Avoid single-serving sizes.

Donate your unwanted items.
Give items to charity or sell in a yard sale rather than throwing them away. Sometimes, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.
Try composting your food scraps.
Many local solid waste agencies have compost bins available for home use. It’s easy to compost and you can have your own fertilizer for your plants and landscaping when you’re done.

Make smart battery choices.
Recharge batteries rather than using disposable ones and recycle batteries whenever possible.
Take the Pledge.
A project of the KFB Youth Council, the “I Promise” Pledge encourages others to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environments. Lead by example and join us as we work to keep Florida clean, green and beautiful!

Free Recycling Checklist
Our helpful checklist helps you learn about types of solid waste materials that can be recycled.
You Can Make A Difference